1 John 4:9
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.
Jesus was born of a virgin. Billions of people have lived on this earth throughout history, and only one was born in this manner. There is only one mediator between God and man, and there is only one human who was virgin-born. The virgin birth isn’t a myth, nor is it merely a random fact. It is a historical event, and it is full of significance for knowing the person of Jesus and the God who has revealed Himself in Him.
What is so important about the virgin birth? For starters, it highlights the supernatural. Throughout Scripture we see that God’s work in this world is a supernatural one. From a worldwide flood to the parting of a sea, from making the lame to walk to raising the dead, it all points to a God who is above the natural laws that He has created. And like all miracles that point to the fact that God is the only true God, the virgin birth testifies to Jesus’ authenticity.
The virgin birth also shows that humanity is in need of redemption, and it can’t bring that about for itself. The fact that the human race couldn’t produce its own redeemer implies that its sin and guilt are inherent; the Savior must come from outside. Plus, the virgin showcases God’s initiative. The angel didn’t ask Mary about her willingness. He announced, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” God didn’t ask Mary for permission. He acted—gently but decisively—to save His people from their sins.
One question that I have been asked countless times is this, “Must one believe in the virgin birth?” I say wholeheartedly that the answer to this question is “YES!” Did God have to use this way to redeem humanity from their sin? I don’t know. What I do know is that He did it this way. God appointed it this particular way, and he appointed Matthew and Luke to record it clearly in their Gospels. To deny this doctrine is to open the door to denying anything plainly affirmed in the Bible.
Let’s not try to exchange the miraculous virgin birth for a theory we can wrap our human minds about or explain empirically. Let’s embrace this supernatural virgin birth for what it is: a truth that should humble us and move us to worship.
Listen to “Mary Did You Know?” by Mark Lowry and contemplate its meaning.